Monday 20 April 2015

Admin, admin, and more admin

At my medical school, the first clinical year has three major 12 week rotations of different placements. While I thoroughly enjoy my time at placement, the beginning of each of those 12 weeks brings a fair amount of anxiety and stress.

Before we start, there is a long waiting period for our timetables. For my last block, I didn't receive my timetable until 2 nights before I was due to start. Not a lot of time to prepare and know what's coming my way. The good thing though, the timetable was quite self-explanatory and easy to navigate around.

For the first rotation, it was just plain confusing. There was two hours allocated for us to sit down with the module lead to go through the timetable on a Monday morning! We still didn't know where to go for some clinics after that... I promise we are not stupid students- medical school is just so massive and hospitals and clinics are all over the place.

To be honest, I didn't expect to receive any news about my rotations next week until Thursday or Wednesday. However, I had the pleasant of getting an email from the admin people this afternoon. I thought that was very speedy of the administrators! Then the pleasure disappeared as soon as I opened the email...

I swear the front is extra small in this email, and it is much much longer than the usual ones, with bits of it in blue, bits of it highlighted, bits of it in red, bits of it capitalised, bits underlined, bits in bold, some bits are even in capitals and underlined... Where are my eyes supposed to look?! That is not all though my friend. There are EIGHT attachments! Eight! With five different timetables! *bangs my head on the table* I can't wait for the day when I get to have a personal assistant. *cheeky smile* Anyway, I know what I will be doing with my evening now: admin, admin and more admin.

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